flirty floridian

Saturday, April 17, 2010

a girl's second best friend...

i say "second" best friend because we all know about a girl's primary best friend. i might even go as far as saying best friend #2 is worth its carat weight in best friend #1.

the clarisonic.

let me begin by saying i was pressured into this purchase by one of my go to girls at my local sephora. "oh, it's fabulous! you'll love it! i can't believe you don't already have one! and best of all, it helps all those other products you spend so much money on actually do what they are meant to do!" sold. 

and this is where my relationship with clarisonic began. that was about a year ago and i can safely say this is one thing i am so glad i didn't say no to. at first, i was reluctant. i was sure this was an over promising under delivering fad. two hundred bucks for a face gadget? seriously? but ok, i mean, sephora takes returns no matter what soo... 

a few weeks go by and i am totally over the $200 face brush. i was breaking out every day and i never... ever... break out. i tried to return it. but no, the sephora girls said i had to give it 2 months and that i would not regret it. sigh. ok i will try it for a few more weeks.

weeks had passed. i endured taunting from my older brother about my new gadget. and then by week 4 or 5, people started to comment on my glowing skin, my smooth skin,  my healthy skin! as it turns out, the clarisonic face brush definitely delivers. the reason i broke out at first was only because the clarisonic was bringing all the impurities in my skin to the surface and getting rid of them! it cleans your skin better than you'd imagine. basically, it gently and effectively loosens dirt and oil to clear your pores. With a patented sonic frequency of more than 300 movements per second, the gentle massage action cleans, softens and smoothes your skin in just 60 seconds! and it beeps to let you know when to move on to another section of your face.

so now that my skin was free of excess yuck, my creams and primers and magical potions were actually doing more of what they are meant to do and i am saving money because i don't really need all those super strength anti-aging products (i am paranoid of wrinkles).

all i need is my clarisonic. :)

the flirty floridian

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