flirty floridian

Thursday, April 15, 2010

guess who...

you might recognize me from my alternate blog:  part time sweetheart full time smartass

i hope so, but if not...  it's nice to meet you. my name is vanita. vava, nita, vanita applebum, vanita bonita... whatever's easier for you sweets. i'm here to talk to you about skincare and beauty products and maybe a little bit of random fun in between.

i want to let you know that this blog is long overdue. i am going to make a legitimate effort to make up (ha ha make up) for the past few years of beauty blogging that i was doing in my head but nowhere else. so here we go - i've tested and tried more products that you can imagine and i am a complete nut for good skincare. i know my stuff and i want to share it with you so you can get gorgeous! after all, looking good makes you feel good and when you look and feel good, you can flirt with the best of 'em!

want me to review something specific? leave me a comment and i'll get right to it!

want personal beauty consulting? get in touch with me at

want daily tidbits? find me on twitter! @flirtyfloridian

let's get this show on the road ;)

the flirty floridian

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